STAT 330 Quiz 20 12102/2011 NAME and NAID _________________________Choose the correct answer to each question from the list below.______1. A motorist claims that the Fargo Police issue an average of 60 speeding tickets per day.A random sample of 100 days showed an average of 65 tickets issued with a standard deviation of10. Which test should be used?______2. The average SAT score in mathematics is 483. A special preparation course states thatit can increase scores. A sample of 16 students completed the course, and the average of theirscores was 494 with a standard deviation of 100. Which test should be used?______3. A recent study claimed that at least 15% of all eighth­grade students are overweight. Ina sample of 80 students 9 were found to be overweight. Which test should be used?______4. A medical researcher wishes to see whether the average pulse rate of smokers is higherthan the average pulse rates of nonsmokers. Samples of 100 smokers and 100 nonsmokers areselected. Which test should be used?______5. A researcher suggests that male nurses earn more than female nurses. A survey of 16male nurses had a mean of $23,800 with a standard deviation of $300. A survey of 20 femalenurses had a mean of $23,750 with a standard deviation of $250. Which test should be used?______6. In problem 5 the p­value = 0.0156. If = 0.05 then what is the correct decision?______7. A professional bowler has been having trouble “hitting the pocket” in order to getstrikes. His average has been 205 with a standard deviation of 10. If in his next 15 games, hisstandard deviation is 14, test his hypothesis that his game is more variable than in the past. Atalpha =0.05 which test should be used?______8. A chewing gum manufacturer wishes to determine if his customers prefer one flavor ofgum to another flavor. He selects a random sample of customers and records the flavor of gumthat is purchased. The flavors chosen were Spearmint, Wintergreen, Cherry, and Cinnamon.Which test should be used to see if each flavor is equally preferred?A. Z­test for a single meanC. T­test for a single meanE. Z­Test for a single proportionG. Chi­Square test for the varianceI. Reject HoB. Z­test for the difference of two meansD. T­test for the difference of two meansF. Z­Test for the difference of two proportionsH. Chi­square test for goodness of fitJ. Do not reject Ho

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