Construct a time management plan for student working on a education degree. You will use the Time Management Assignment Template to complete your work in this unit. You will be reading selected portions of Brian Tracy’s Time Management book as you work through the assignment. Tracy (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay) has studied time management for three decades and currently has composed over 500 books, audio presentations, and videos on the effective and efficient use of time and related topics. These resources have been translated into 38 languages and are used across 55 countries. Tracy is a popular public speaker and addresses more than 250,000 people annually. Estimates suggest that he has helped over five million people to become better time managers. The principles and techniques you will examine in his book will help you succeed in your program and beyond.

In addition to reading select portions of Tracy’s (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay) Time Management book, you will be viewing a supplementary video which elaborates on one of the most important principles of time management that is introduced in the book.

As you complete this assignment, you will be working towards thoughtfully constructing an efficient, effective, and sustainable coursework routine. Just as in exercise, routine sustains your physical health, your coursework routine will sustain your academic health throughout your program. You will continue to refine your weekly coursework routine over the next three units as you discover better ways to make the routine effective, efficient and sustainable given your unique personal and professional circumstances. Your weekly coursework routine will be your roadmap to success throughout your academic journey and beyond.

Your first step is to download Brian Tracy’s book on Time Management. You can have access to the book for 21 days if you download it to your computer. You can renew those 21 days as often as you like. Or, you can read read the book online.

Length: Entire Time Management assignment template.

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