Software management – Software Engineering
The task is to investgate(research informed papers and articles) and produce a critical evaluation report on any issues related to the module learning outcomes bellow:
1: participate authoritatively in the assurance, planning and control of software quality, including software process improvement.
2:Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss & evaluate approaches to the specification, development and validation of dependable software
3: Evaluate the effectiveness of current software development approaches
4: Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss and advise upon the issues surrounding distributed software engineering.
Demonstrate the ability to investigate, gather appropriate sources, analyse, evaluate key challenges and discuss future trends within the chosen area of your choice.
The report should be about 1,500 (+/- 10%) words in length.
CRITICAL INSIGHT and RESEARCH (breadth, depth, appropriate mention to actual development projects or case studies)
Shows understanding of core principles, evidence of sufficient relevant background knowledge of chosen area.
Shows appropriate selection of material relating to current/future trends, relevant to Shows appropriate selection of material relating to current/future trends, relevant to the chosen area of study.
CONTENT (depth, correctness, completeness, appropriateness)
Employs appropriate critical evaluation strategy – that ideas and concepts are well organised and structured, there is a strong and identifiable line of reasoning. Draws arguments towards a justified conclusion. Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discusses appropriate examples where relevant.
STRUCTURE (concise, cohesive and clearly structured)
Well presented report, with accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation and conforms to appropriate academic standard and shows that the writing style is clear, flowing, easy to read and there is a good sense of target audience. The information and facts are accurately cited/acknowledged within the report and a list of references included.