NR511 SNAPPS Presentation GERD Nursing Research Paper
SNAPPS is a learner-centered approach to case presentation in
the clinical setting. This model allows the student to take an
active role in their educational encounter by discussing the
patient encounter beyond the facts, verbalizing their clinical
reasoning, asking questions, and engaging in follow-up learning
pertinent to the educational encounter. This exercise is designed
to develop the student’s ability to organize patient information in a
meaningful way and guide the student in their oral patient
presentations in the clinical setting.
Mastering Anesthesia Coding for Accurate Reimbursement
Mastering Anesthesia Coding for Accurate Reimbursement. As a new medical coder for an Anesthesiologist group, it is important that you practice calculating service payments by assigning the appropriate anesthesia code(s) and modifier(s), as well as determining the base and time unit values, any modifying circumstances, and the conversion factor to arrive at your anesthesia service […]